

Charlotte Bronte “Jane Eyre”

English love affair is a classic of world literature. But this genre is perfect for the form and content of the work. In 1847 the London salons literally exploded with delight.

Since then, created the Charlotte Bronte book “Jane Air”, the whole world was conquered elegant style, pure English temperament of the main character, her purity and tenderness. Since then, no matter what Charlotte Bronte wrote the book it was her calling card. All English literature he was soon impressed by the talent of the writer.

Image result for Charlotte Bronte "Jane Eyre"

What is the novel about?

If you still haven’t decided whether to open pages of the novel “Jane Air” is a brief content will help you make the right choice. Conventionally, the book consists of two major parts:

  • Childhood Jen and the formation of personality.
  • Adult life.

So, before you in all its glory will be revealed in Victorian England – and urban culture, and the outwardly quiet life of the provinces with their very hot passions. Young Jane, orphaned, beginning to get acquainted with the complexities of grown-up and lonely life. Being in the pay of his guardian, Mr. Reid, the girl is faced with a lack of understanding, constant accusations and attempts to fix a private, shy and kind in nature.

Not the clamps in the family guardian, Jen goes to boarding school, where he met with such terrible things as false accusations and near the gate attitude. However, it is possible to enjoy her and good to find friends.

Drama Jen Air

After a series of tests, Jen Air grows, nurtured in his soul is not stale, a steel rod of perseverance and invincibility. However, it is still a little child, naive and open to new experiences. And they are not forced to wait long.

The girl falls to the province, the same, according to Arthur Conan Doyle, in which passion and intrigue are able to shock any citizen. Becoming a governess to Adele, a young Frenchwoman, Jen met with her guardian, Mr. Rochester – a man is controversial, saucy, but noble.

This meeting became fatal. Air and Rochester gradually converge, but what is this relationship? Hidden from the eyes of nosy neighbors and annoying relatives, densely flavored cruel rumors, and secrets. As soon as you feel that Jen finds her happiness, announcing her engagement to Rochester, do not hurry to rejoice – he’s already married!

A story full of tragedy and tenderness will lead to a climax, surprised, at the time, everyone – from the ladies to the simple maids.

Thanks to an interesting story, a beautiful and historic setting of mid 19th century, we know the diverse adaptation of the novel “Jane Air” by the public. But even if you have reviewed them all, the novel is still surprise with new details, elegant style, depth of experience, which so successfully gave Charlotte Bronte.

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